Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:What does it mean to live gratefully?
Our Christian faith tells us that living gratefully means acknowledging God as the source and giver of the blessings of this life, beginning with the gift of our life itself. Living gratefully means taking time to pause regularly and take an inventory of all our blessings, as we cultivate a spirit of thanksgiving. St. Paul emphasizes this message in his first letter to the Church in Thessalonica: “ In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Our faith tells us that another essential aspect of living gratefully is giving back in thanksgiving to God and towards God’s great purposes in the world. To fulfill this crucial part of our faith we announce Immanuel’s Every Member Pledge Campaign for 2025 with the theme “Living Gratefully.” This is an opportunity for all of us to give back to God from all we have been given. Immanuel’s Campaign will run from November 3rd through Commitment Sunday, November 24th. You may use the QR code at the bottom of this letter or use the enclosed pledge card and mail it to the church office, or place it in the alms basin. You may also pledge online using Immanuel’s website. Click the green Pledge Here button. Prayerful and intentional pledging expresses our thanks for God’s many gifts, and it supports our beloved parish church in all of its many vital ministries. We gather at Immanuel to worship and to praise God, to learn and practice our faith in the world, and to share in Christian fellowship. We join in outreach and seek justice, we care for those among us who need help, we witness to Christ in the world, and we practice being good stewards. One of the blessings of our life together at Immanuel is the opportunity our annual pledge campaign offers to deepen our participation in this community by pledging prayerfully how we plan to give back to God and to support our life in Christ. This Christ-centered community of Immanuel needs and deserves our care, our investment, our faithful attendance, and our full and enthusiastic giving of ourselves. We all know that the forces of secularism are growing in our land, and we believe that God needs the witness of committed, generous parishioners to ensure a strong and healthy Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill in our community and in our world, now more than ever. Please join in making a generous pledge to Immanuel. May God bless you all, as we grow in Living Gratefully. The Rev. J. Randolph Alexander, Jr., Rector Mr. Gerald Anderson, Senior Warden Mr. Peter Kent, Junior Warden for Administration Ms. Amy Thomas, Junior Warden for Buildings and Grounds
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