Dear Beloved Members and Friends of Immanuel:Our faith teaches us that life begins and ends with God. Our God first loved us and gave us the great gift of life itself. God has showered us with gifts upon gifts in abundance that allow us to survive, thrive, and develop into the people God is calling us to be.
Immanuel’s 2024 Every Member Pledge campaign theme, God’s Gifts Enable Us to Give, focuses our vision, inspiration, and all our being on the important opportunity and joy to give back to God for all that God has given us, so that we are the best caretakers of God’s gifts to us. As the graphic we created for our Every Member Pledge campaign shows, we lift our hands to give back to God from the abundant gifts God has first given us. This year, Immanuel’s Every Member Pledge campaign runs from November 5-19, 2023. Commitment Sunday, on November 19, will be a time to celebrate both the gifts we can give back to God and our promise to support with our financial pledge the strong and vibrant life, ministry, and joys of Christian fellowship of our parish life together. Your financial pledge is incredibly important, and we invite you to give generously to support our life and ministry together. Your pledge is vital because it allows Immanuel’s vestry to prepare a realistic financial plan and budget that supports our work and ministry in our parish community and throughout the world. The impact of your financial pledge is manifold. We serve our children, youth, and teens in their Christian formation; we study God’s Holy Word and pray together; we offer adults of all ages formation programs for living a life worthy of our God-given gifts. We support our staff and clergy and Christian witness through our remarkable music and worship and in buildings worthy of our praise to God. We welcome our many newcomers into the joys of fellowship at Immanuel, sharing the good news of God in Christ through the Holy Spirit. Together, we make a difference by giving back to God from the gifts that God has first given us. Please use the QR code at the bottom of this letter or the enclosed pledge card as you make a pledge and prayerfully and intentionally give thanks for God’s many gifts to you. This is your opportunity to give back to God from all you have been given. Please make a commitment to take your place and deepen your level of giving back to God and Immanuel this year. Blessings and thanks be to God! The Rev. J. Randolph Alexander, Jr., Rector Kristi Kubista-Hovis, Senior Warden Gerry Anderson, Junior Warden: Buildings and Grounds Peter Kent, Junior Warden: Administration P.S. We look forward to your financial pledge of gifts to give back to God by Sunday, November 19, 2023.
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