CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FAMILIESChildren are a vital part of our faith and community, and so are the parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members that bring them to the services and activities at Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill. As you’ll read below on this page, we have many activities and offerings throughout the year that we hope will help children and youth learn about God’s love, be a part of a welcoming and affirming Christian community, and help them develop their own faith.
Individuals of all ages and abilities are welcome in all of our church services. The details below indicate the availability of a staffed nursery for those who are 3 or younger, children’s formation for those ages 4-11, and opportunities for those who are 12 and older to serve in regular church services. And, our community knows that children in church services may not show they are paying attention in the same way a grown up does. We expect wiggles, moving around, maybe even fussing. You are welcome to come as you are, and participate as you are able We want to be a community where all people, and especially children and youth, feel safe, deeply loved, and welcome. This is among the most important ways we can live out our faith in Jesus. All services, both chapels:
Individuals of all ages are welcome in services in both chapels. Activity bags, available from the ushers, have items that can help keep hands busy during the service. Children are encouraged to participate in the worship service through their voice and actions. For those that need them, changing tables are available in both chapels, and ushers can help you locate them. There are also private spaces that can be available for breast feeding, as desired. Youth ages 12 and older are welcome to participate in many ministry roles in the worship services. Roles include serving as a reader or intercessor, an acolyte, assisting with the sound and video streaming, or participating as an usher. For all of these roles, we can offer specific training and support. Services in Immanuel Chapel: Nursery for young children
During the 10:30am service at Immanuel Chapel, there is a staffed nursery available. The nursery is staffed by a paid caregiver who has experience in early childcare, has taken appropriate training, and has undergone a diocesan-required background check. There is always a second adult caregiver also in the room who has undergone the necessary training and background check. Adults who bring children to church are also welcome to bring the children in their care to use the bathroom in the nursery, the changing table, feeding, and the space for a break from service. Formation/Sunday School for 4-11 year olds Concurrent with the 10:30am service at Immanuel Chapel, our formation offering for 4-11 year olds is the renowned Godly Play curriculum Children have an innate sense of the presence of God, and we help them explore their faith through story. They gain religious language and enhance their spiritual experience through this liturgy of storytelling, prayer, reflection, wonder, and play. This program is offered every Sunday except the first of the month in the Oratory, beginning at 10:15am. Ushers can help you find the room and get children included. First Sundays at 10:30am: Youth-led Sunday Service The 10:30am service on the first Sunday of each month allows children to participate in many of the lay ministry roles that adults typically hold at our church. Children and youth members of Immanuel help to prepare the space for worship, working with flower and altar guild members, and they serve during the service as ushers, readers, greeters, acolytes, and A/V support. Youth Group: 6th through 12th graders The Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) is our primary program for 6th-12th graders. Adult volunteers from the parish lead meetings on the first and third Sundays of the month to give youth in our community a space to continue to develop their faith, ask questions, and have fun. We meet regularly for fellowship outside of church services, and offer opportunities to get involved in Alexandria and nearby communities. For more information on EYC meetings and activities, please visit the Immanuel calendar or contact Rev. Sarah Spurlock Biggs directly. Want to Learn More?
Register children here for Godly Play. Sign up to be a part of specific email list for CYF activities Contact Rev. Sarah Spurlock Biggs directly at [email protected] to discuss all of the programs and offerings from Immanuel. Church Policies to Keep Children and Youth Safe
Immanuel takes very seriously the responsibility of keeping the kids and youth entrusted to our care in formation and fellowship programs safe. Immanuel is in compliance with the Safe Church program, which requires volunteers and staff to participate in training that discusses power balances, reporting requirements, and establishes practices that are meant to keep vulnerable populations safe. |
CYF NEWSJanuary 5 @ 10:30 AM: Immanuel's Epiphany Pageant: Sign Up Now!
Immanuel will mark the end of the Christmas season with a Youth-Led Epiphany pageant during the 10:30am service at Immanuel Chapel. Youth of all ages are needed - sign up now! We need 4 narrators, Mary, Joseph, the three Wise People, angels, sheep, a camel, and we even have a role for a tumbling star! Questions or want to help - please email Rev. Sarah. January 17-20 EYC Shrine Mont Ski Trip Let Rev. Sarah know if your 6th-12th grader is interested in attending! More details to follow... |