ALIVE! stands for ALexandrians InVolved Ecumenically. It is an organization comprising 42 faith communities, including Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill, whose members seek to put their faith and love to work serving others. Working with area partners, it provides the largest private safety net for the needy in the city of Alexandria, addressing short-term to long-term needs of those less fortunate.
Did you know:
DONATE FOOD TO ALIVE! IN JANUARY: Immanuel is one of the ALIVE! congregations scheduled in January to replenish the food closet . Please help by bringing non perishable, unopened, and not-out-of-date medium sized packages of food to church in January. Boxes will be in both narthexes for food collection. Money donations are also very helpful because they allow ALIVE! to buy fresh meat, eggs and produce . Checks can be brought to the church office or sent to the ALIVE! office at 2723 King St Alexandria VA 22302. |