For additional information about these ministries, please contact the Vestry Steward for Worship, unless otherwise noted.
You can volunteer online by clicking on the button at right and filling out the "Service Availability" form: |
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the Altar for Worship services. We welcome both men and women to participate in this ministry. Altar Guild members care for the sacred vessels, the bread and the wine, the fair linens and hangings, the candles and torches and much more. The Altar Guild prepares all things for the Altar "properly and in good order." There is training, mentoring, and an accessible book of pictures and descriptions to assist those preparing the Altar. The time commitment for an assigned Sunday service includes both setting up before the service and cleaning up after the service.
The Altar Guild prepares the Altar for Worship services. We welcome both men and women to participate in this ministry. Altar Guild members care for the sacred vessels, the bread and the wine, the fair linens and hangings, the candles and torches and much more. The Altar Guild prepares all things for the Altar "properly and in good order." There is training, mentoring, and an accessible book of pictures and descriptions to assist those preparing the Altar. The time commitment for an assigned Sunday service includes both setting up before the service and cleaning up after the service.
Flower Guild The Flower Guild shares their artistic talent and love of beauty by providing floral decorations for the Chapel. Flower Guild members mentor and guide those new to flower arranging. SEE EXAMPLES OF THE FLOWER GUILD'S WORK AT RIGHT: |
Ushers are an integral part of each worship service. They greet those coming to worship, distribute Sunday bulletins, assist with seating, count those in attendance, take bread and wine to the Altar on behalf of those gathered, pass alms plates, and direct communicants forward to receive Communion. This is a perfect opportunity for teamwork with a spouse, partner, and/or family members. Click here to read and/or download instructions for ushers.
Acolytes assist the clergy at the Altar. They lead processions in and out of worship, light and extinguish candles, and assist with the setting of the Altar. This ministry is open to both youth and adults. Our clergy and Acolyte Coordinator hold training sessions to explain the procedures of how acolytes assist the clergy during the Eucharist.
Contact: Francine Wargo
Immanuel welcomes both adults and youth as readers of the Old and New Testaments and the Psalms during Sunday services. There is a training session for new and experienced readers on the mechanics of reading. We can work with you on protocols, projecting your voice, pronunciation of Biblical names, and more!
Chalicists assist the clergy during communion by administering the cup of wine to members of the congregation. Chalice Bearers must be confirmed and 16 years of age or older to serve; they receive training on administering the chalice and become licensed.
The Prayers of the People are an integral part of the Worship service and are prepared by the clergy. We encourage adults and youth to consider serving as intercessors who lead the prayers during Worship services.
Ushers are an integral part of each worship service. They greet those coming to worship, distribute Sunday bulletins, assist with seating, count those in attendance, take bread and wine to the Altar on behalf of those gathered, pass alms plates, and direct communicants forward to receive Communion. This is a perfect opportunity for teamwork with a spouse, partner, and/or family members. Click here to read and/or download instructions for ushers.
Acolytes assist the clergy at the Altar. They lead processions in and out of worship, light and extinguish candles, and assist with the setting of the Altar. This ministry is open to both youth and adults. Our clergy and Acolyte Coordinator hold training sessions to explain the procedures of how acolytes assist the clergy during the Eucharist.
Contact: Francine Wargo
Immanuel welcomes both adults and youth as readers of the Old and New Testaments and the Psalms during Sunday services. There is a training session for new and experienced readers on the mechanics of reading. We can work with you on protocols, projecting your voice, pronunciation of Biblical names, and more!
Chalicists assist the clergy during communion by administering the cup of wine to members of the congregation. Chalice Bearers must be confirmed and 16 years of age or older to serve; they receive training on administering the chalice and become licensed.
The Prayers of the People are an integral part of the Worship service and are prepared by the clergy. We encourage adults and youth to consider serving as intercessors who lead the prayers during Worship services.