Whether you have always observed many specific customs during Lent, or whether you have barely heard about / remember it at all — you are invited to spend some time preparing for Easter. Turn your heart, mind, and will toward the Resurrected Christ and the promise of a world renewed by God's unyielding love.
Our Lenten series will explore, in depth, the Scripture readings of the five Sundays in Lent. The preacher of the day will lead the discussion, allowing lots of time for questions, responses, and musings. Rather than Bible study, we will be exploring how Immanuel preachers get from reading a text that is sometimes 3000 years old and making it make sense in the 21st Century.
Each presentation stands on its own, so even if you missed one, you'll be able to understand fully the next ones. We’ll gather at 9:15a.m. in Zabriskie Parish Hall each Sunday in Lent, both in person and livestreamed via YouTube.
Liturgical Changes in Lent"Liturgy," from the Greek leitourgia, is the work of the people and refers to the ways we practice and make decisions about worship. A liturgical church, like the Episcopal Church, is one where worship is typically very formal and rooted in history. Even where there is room for improvisation and exploration, the shape of worship and the season itself will be reflected and shared all over the church.
What is different in Lent?
LENTEN RESOURCES"Lent at Immanuel": Gives information about the holy season of Lent, including Immanuel's worship and study offerings. "My Lenten Resolves": to assist with personal Lenten planning "Lenten Creation Care" Interfaith Power and Light, an organization supported by Immanuel's Outreach Committee, has compiled a list of ideas for becoming better stewards of God's creation as a Lenten practice. Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent The Episcopal Church has published a set of videos, readings, and a calendar that can be used by groups or individuals, tying Lenten readings to the seven practices of the "Way of Love" March 6, 4:00 PM "Zoom Viewing Party" of National Cathedral RetreatImmanuel Church-on-the-Hill Senior Adult Ministry and Fellowship is excited to offer a Zoom “viewing party” of an on-line afternoon Lenten retreat, Joy for the Journey, from the Washington National Cathedral. The broadcast will take place in room A 211 Addison Academic Center at Virginia Theological Seminary, where we can watch it together. This event will be Sunday, March 6, from 4:00 – 5:30 pm. Anyone of any age is welcome to attend and there is no cost for this activity. The basis for the retreat is a filmed encounter between Archbishop Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dalai Lama discussing the subject of joy. For more information on the retreat, please visit https://cathedral.org/event/joy-for-the-journey-an-afternoon-lenten-retreat. If you prefer to watch it from the comfort of your own home, you can register for it at the website. If you have further questions or plan to attend this event, please RSVP to Karen Besser [email protected] |